The Second Sunday of Easter-Service of the Word

4 years ago

We continue our celebration of Easter by entering the Upper Room on the evening of the day that Jesus rose from the dead. While the accounts that morning focus on the women and their experience when they went to the tomb, the evening accounts focus on Jesus appearance to His apostles.

The disciples are huddled together in fear, the door locked, when the resurrected Lord comes and stands in the middle of the room. He proclaims peace to them, and asks them to see that it is really Him, even as He encourages them to place their fingers in His wounded side.

Jesus teaches His disciples about the peace and the forgiveness of sins that He won by His death and resurrection. He breathes His Spirit upon them, preparing them for this mission to preach repentance and the forgiveness of sins to all nations. Through the proclamation of Jesus' Word by the apostles, and through the gift of Jesus' wounds and body in Holy Communion, the work of Jesus on earth continues as God brings life to fallen creation.

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