Colossians 1:20 Proves God will Reconcile All of His Creation

4 years ago

There are many verses in the Word of God that testify to the truth that God will save all mankind, but there is only one that declares He will save the entire creation – all who are in heaven and all who are in earth. That is Colossians 1:20. This verse appears in the most illuminating section of Scripture in the entire Word of God concerning God’s purpose in the “Eonian Times.”

Colossians 1:20 – And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.

This is the second session of Richard’s “Irrefutable Proof of Universal Reconciliation” course which is available for credit on LiveFaith.TV.

People have wrestled with this verse for centuries because they cannot simply accept and believe what it says. God will reconcile all in heaven and earth unto Himself. This fulfills Ephesians 1:10 that Christ will head up all things in heaven and on earth “in the dispensation of the fullness of times.” That “fullness of times” is swiftly approaching and will issue in the most glorious event of all time: The Consummation when all are reconciled unto God and God becomes All in all.

Join Richard as he dives into the Word of God to let it tell us exactly what this section of Scripture is teaching. Each key word in this verse is examined and traced to find exactly how God uses it. The context and its literary structure are also presented, to bring even greater light.

Let God’s Word light you up in this LiveFaith.TV presentation.

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