Nutrition From A Bodybuilder with Jeff Later

1 year ago

🚨 ONLINE TRAINING PROGRAM CUSTOMIZED FOR YOU. This is a huge part of our efforts to reach more clients and help them overcome physical and mental adversity wherever they happen to be in the world. We created a virtual training app that is designed to give you full customization and hands-on assistance whether you are looking to hit new PRs or achieve weight loss.

Check out the app here:
It doesn't matter how much you workout, if you can't get the nutrition part down, getting results will be nearly impossible.

Meet Jeff Later

We believe in serving others with honesty and integrity. The fitness industry is broken, and we intend to fix it! Dishonesty rules the day and negatively impacts the millions of people that are influenced by sleazy marketing tactics and short-term quick fixes that lead to long-term problems.

The individuals on the L8R team live our core values and have a passion for helping others, health, fitness, and having a lot of fun. We work hard and play hard! The family feeling here is noticed immediately and we welcome new members in with open arms. If you resonate with our core values then join us! If you don’t…go elsewhere!

Health and Fitness Redefined is a podcast that takes a deep dive into the world of health & fitness as we overcome adversity, depict fact vs fiction, and see fitness in a whole new light.
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Redefine Fitness can help you achieve the best version of yourself. All by combining small group classes, personal training, special needs training, post-rehab and more. We truly strive to help treat you like family by helping you through all the highs and lows!

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🙋‍♂️ MEET THE HOST - Anthony Amen
My personal training journey started in college. Before that, I was never really into any aspect of fitness. I ate what I wanted, ran a 15 min/mile and couldn’t tell you the difference between a plank or a pushup. That all changed in college when I began playing intramural sports. Through complete trial and error, I quickly learned the technique and became obsessed with the gym. It wasn’t long until I learned how I could change my life and realized I can now accomplish things that everyone told me would be impossible.

Personal Training has taught me how to pass this knowledge onto others. I truly understand what it feels like to be hopeless and lost. I’ve helped many different clients of all backgrounds achieve their goals; this allowed them to witness changes that they didn't think were possible.

Redefine Fitness is my answer to all fitness questions. It's not about having the biggest muscles or being the fastest runner, rather it is about helping you redefine yourself into the best version that you can be! My goal now is to spread the word that life isn't worth giving up on and anyone can achieve anything. I plan on growing Redefine Fitness to a fully established brand, push myself into motivational speaking and eventually leave a permanent mark on this world

Anthony's website:

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