How We Get Manipulated w/ Online Courses based on Hopes & Dreams

4 years ago

We all buy information, but the question is from who?

So many people sell things that help you GET OUT of business, instead of building it.
But hey, that's okay, because if you're not building anything, they are.

My aim is not to criticize anyone's business model and how they make money, but to give people's minds another perspective, and how we should reconsider what type of information we're buying, from who, and most important what do we want to accomplish.

If online courses are patting your Ego's narrative, and make you dream and hope for the best, you may want to question your choices.

However if all you want is to feel good, but still delude yourself into thinking that you're studying for your business, than this video it's not for you. :)

P.S. We're all aware of the Cancel Culture, so if your heart resonates with what I have to say, follow me on

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