New World Disorder 7 - Looking Into The Machine, Monkey Pox And The Incoming Food Crisis

2 years ago

Separating fiction from reality has never been harder to do when they have been throwing their plans right in our faces through the means of entertainment that we senselessly spend billions on in order to continue the brainwashing cycle. Even William Shatner says it himself that science and science fiction is the same. Former Google CEO says America will be controlled by AI but doesnt add the fact that new neural network interface brain machines are secretly being installed among the population through the hostile release of nanotechnology.

I took a closer look into the monkey pox scare tactics they are playing the public with, including their own planned scripted scenario and "GNN" news briefing. The Chinese takeover of the United States and Canada is in full tilt so why not look at what they have planned for the world.

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