Djokavic having fun on the tennis court at Visoko, home of the largest pyramid in the world

2 years ago

Novak Djokavic stood up for freedom when he was refused entry to Australia for the Tennis Open in Spring 2022. He was subsequently 'imprisoned' because he refused to take the experimental jab and was then sent home. What an absolute hero. He subsequently won the men's finals at Wimbledon, July 2022 and a couple of days later flew to Bosnia to join his friend Dr Sam Osmanagich who discovered the largest pyramid in the world, at Visoko. Here Novak has a laugh with the crowd; a true sportsman and the next day he was on the basketball court, playing with Bosnian champions and supporting the community and the children. Thank you Novak Djokavic - you truly understand the energies and the ether of our world.

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