跟随耶稣的改变由内而外,而不是外在的模仿(Anthony)Following Jesus Is Internal, Not An Outward Imitation

1 year ago

原视频SOURCE: https://youtu.be/pzNqObDSbUo

2020年11月1日 POSTED BY Follow The Good Shepherd







Following Jesus isn't about an outward projection. It's not about what other people perceive of you. It's not about what you say in public or um. It's not about conforming to a particular way. You know, whenever I 1st started to follow Jesus, I had to figure this out for myself. I had to see that it wasn't conformity to um, a certain image. It wasn't conformity to, you know, how another brother or sister was. It was only conformity to the pure heart and mind and Jesus wants to form you too. Jesus has a very specific person that he wants you to be. And when you get sin out of your life, you start to decrease in the flesh, you start to increase in the spirit, and you become the person that he created you to be. But it has nothing to do with doing things on the Internet. It has nothing to do with trying to preach to other people. It doesn't have anything to do with making videos like I do, or um even sharing your testimony. None of these things matter if they are done by the arm of the flesh, because you will be found out, and you'll be found out by the Lord. You know, jesus will smite down those who go out and pride those who go out in arrogance and choose to use Jesus for manipulation or for deception. It's a very dangerous path that can easily be taken, because men try to take the shortcut. They try to be who they think they should be in Jesus before they ever become that person. So just try to understand what I'm saying. It's not about being who you think you should be. It's about letting Jesus mold you into the person that He created you to be. It is a very simple process, but it's a difficult one. It's one that many men want to go around. They want to dodge it. They want to do it their own way. And they just want to skip to being a teacher or being a preacher or being a spiritual leader when they don't have a foundation set on Jesus. You know, it's the same reason why the church today can't preach against sin. They can't preach against homosexuality with confidence. They can't preach against the things that they themselves haven't repented from. They can't condemn one man sin because their own sin is still in their life. We can never do anything for the Kingdom of God if we are still wilfully sinning. And we can never do anything for the Kingdom of God by the arm of the flesh. It's only by the holy spirit. We can cast 1000 nets and never catch one fish. But until Jesus says, cast your net here, you won't pull in any fish. You won't catch anything. You won't do anything for the Kingdom of God. You won't advance the kingdom. We have to be led by the holy spirit, and we have to address the things within us before anything else will matter. Are you really working to advance the kingdom inside of you? The the kingdom that is in your midst? Don't go to outward appearances. Don't go to outward efforts. You got to look within yourself and change the things that need to be changed within you. And this is done by the power of Jesus. This is possible. But until you repent, until you truly turn from your sin, you're only going to make a mess of things. May Jesus bless you.

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