Lymphatic System Specialist Finds this Infrared Sauna to be a Valuable Tool

4 years ago

Tashi Lam, a Tai Chi practitioner and a specialist on the lymphatic system, has been using the Relax Sauna and Sky Eye Medical Grade Lamps for 10 years. He likes how it has high tech where it is needed but it is also simple where complexity is not needed. This makes it easy to maintain and clean. It also makes it very durable.

He likes that it improved his and his wife's quality of sleep and circulation. They like to bring with them to warm up after hiking. Also to warm up before bed.

Her hands get swollen and tight and she uses the sauna to open up her circulation. She also uses it to improve lymphatic circulation.

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Tashi - Oh my God. it's the best out there. I like it in the high-tech way it needs to be in the chambers. And then, low-tech where it's easy to maintain, because see right here, because it's low tech. And you can turn it off if it's too hot. And you can turn it on when you want it hotter. And there's no touch screen where it will wear out on you. And a touch screen, you know, when you press it, it gets stained or whatever within a few years and then it's not the same. So, this is really nice to have and it lasts a lot longer than touch screens. And, of course, it has the high-tech in the silver lining that is in here which, to me, it's like a self-cleaning oven. So, I like the high-tech where it is. And I like the low-tech where it is, so I don't have to about breaking the screen or if you keep pressing in the same area overtime to activate it, the fingerprint stays there over time and it's not easy to get rid of it. I don't like that.

I like it like that (pointing to the control switch). I think it's amazing for what it does.

Phillip - So, what inspired you to buy the Relax Sauna? At first, I think a friend of a friend…

Tashi - No, my wife, Laura, she went to do a colonic. And, this was part of her colonic treatment. And it's a one-two-punch with the colonics and she loved it. And then, being Chinese or Asian, I don't like to pay retail, so I had to find you direct. That was about 10 years ago, when the price was a lot better back then. I’m glad I got one then. I did get a newer one and I sold the one I had to my client.

Phillip - Yes. Now, what has the sauna done for you and your wife personally that made you say, “Wow. This Relax Sauna is special and unique?”

Tashi - My wife, personally, well, besides improving the quality of her sleep and microcirculation, we took it up to the cabin up north, when we go in the winter. When it's really cold, we do night hiking and then when we come back from it, we love to sit in here to warm up. We love to use it 5, 10 minutes before bed to improve the circulation in our feet. So, it's like putting your foot in hot water right before bed. And they make you sleep better because of increased circulation.

We use it with essential oils on our chests when we have a cold. We use it in so many different ways. My wife, she's a massage therapist. Her hands get swollen and tight, and we use it to open up the circulation there for her. And then, we use it in so many other ways, too. I mean, you know, we see people, we touch people and sometimes you pick up bubblegum stuff from them. Or so, they follow you home. We use it to help clean up their energy as well as any negative energy around us.

Phillip - Yes.

Tashi - Yeah. Because it’s the Chi, this doesn't just increase circulation. It increases circulation, but it also has negative ions, which will recharge and rejuvenate. And, you have Chi transmission in here, which will make you feel more alive, especially in the morning when you first wake up. And if you live in a cold area, it will come in handy because this will wake you up.

Phillip - So, you use it regularly. Correct?

Tashi - I use it pretty regularly. Yes. Sometimes I get forgetful but not too long. And another beautiful thing about this one is my wife wants to, Laura, to use it for lymphatic drainage.

Phillip – Yes. Yes.

Tashi – And, to use 10 minutes of this, and then she goes and she puts it close to the shower. And then, a one-minute cool shower, to wash off the sweat and then she comes back in here. Do another 10 minutes. And then, she does it three or four times. And then, she never has a cold. It's great to sweat out, like if you're in a flu season. If you don't feel like getting a flu shot, you should be doing this, 10 minutes of this, one minutes of cool shower, 10 minutes of this and, trust me, you won't get a cold. It will remove the virus from penetrating deep into your cellular level.

Phillip - You're an energy consultant or an energy…

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