Longtime Relax Sauna Owner Review "I can't live without it."

3 years ago

Ola has owned the Relax Sauna for 5 years. "I love it. I can't live without it now." She first got one because she felt good and refreshed after trying the sauna at an expo.
Her husband uses the sauna after every workout to help relieve joint pain.
She feels great after using the Relax Sauna during the winter.
"How do you feel after you get out?"
"I feel great, I feel fantastic."
She also discovered like many other Relax Sauna users that the sauna improved her skin. "I like the glow in my skin when I get out. You feel like you are glowing."

Click below for a comparison of infrared saunas and what makes the Relax Far Infrared sauna different https://www.relaxsaunas.com

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