July 17 2022: Jesus: Healer

1 year ago

Jesus: Healer
Pastor Gary Denbow
Isaiah 53:5
Jesus was healer of every disease
1. The nobleman’s son. (John 4:46-54)
• The person is healed 20 miles away from where Jesus proclaimed.
• “Go your way; your son lives.” Healing by spoken word.
• Faith! Jesus spoke and the man believed and acted.
• The nobleman’s household came to Christ as a result.
2. Peter’s mother-in-law.
• Peter’s house was likely “headquarters” for Jesus while resting in Capernaum.
• Peter’s mother-in-law had a great fever, as opposed to a minor one.
• Jesus stood over her with no fear of the illness.
• The fever left as Jesus took her hand and lifted her from the bed.
3. The leper at the Synagogue in Capernaum
• Leprosy was dreaded, and the infected were isolated.
• The leper worshipped and expressed faith in Jesus.
• Jesus healed a 20-year disease progression with a single touch.
4. The woman with the issue of blood (Matt. 9:20; Mark 5:25)
• The woman was hemorrhaging.
• She reached t to touch Jesus and was instantly healed.
• Faith in Christ must be expressed for healing.

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