#florida2022 #22yearold #Runningforcongress #michaelangelohamilton

1 year ago

My name is Michaelangelo Hamilton and I am running for Congress as a Democrat in the newly drawn 23rd Congressional District of Florida. This new district encompasses West Boca, Boca Raton, Pompano Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Oakland Park, Parkland, Coral Springs, Margate, and other municipalitie

I am running for Congress because I see a nation in despair and a Congress that is not working for the American people. We can and we must do better!

It is all filled with career politicians who sold themselves out to the highest bidders. It only serves mainly the wealthy and powerful. When I'm elected, I will stand up for all people and work to bring more of us in Congress.

This is not what America I was promised and the America I want in my lifetime. When I am elected, I will stand up for all people and work to bring more prosperity to all Americans.

It is time for a change and the next generation to be allowed to serve. I am a proud product of South Florida's public schools and unviersities.

I recieved my post-secondary education in the district at Florida Atlantic University where I recently recieved by Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Political Science this May.

Making the world and our country is my passion. My life experiences being raised without a father by a single mother, being a product of public schools and universities, and being an entrepreneur helping others makes me qualified to hold this open seat.

My mother believed in me and made sure we pursued our education and became productive members of society. I want anyone who wants a higher education in this country is able to get one. I am a candidate that also respects family values no matter who is part of the family you love. I am an ally.

I fundamentally believe suffering in this country should be eliminated and I believe my work in Congress can help make that possible. I want to help others become more productive members of society and stay away from crime and violence in this country.

We need to give people a chance to reach their true potential. Since a young age, I have been interested in public service and assisted numerous political campaigns from local to presidential campaigns. That is why I went to college for Political Science.

After the Robb Elementary School Massacre, I knew for sure this was something I had to do for sure now. I could have waited until I was more "ready" but I feel like my country needs me here and now. We must make this country better - for you, for us, and for all those we love.

I am someone who does not give up and I won't give up on America. Coming from depending on Social Security growing up as a child after my dad died to being a candidate for an open seat in the U.S. House of Representatives at 22-years-old is an amazing accomplishment in itself already.

I am asking you to allow Generation Z to have the opportunity and privilege to serve just like my ancestors who have served in the military to protect our nation.

I want to inspire and serve others. Let us show the rest of America that you can achieve and claim the American dream. We must live up to the full promises of America. We can eliminate student debt, address climate change, lower inflation, end gun violence, and work to meet the many needs of our district and America.

If I am elected in the primary and general, I will become the youngest Congressman in American history unseen since 1797 with Rep. Claiborne, who was also sworn in at 23-years-old. I would also be the first latino Congressman from the district.

Your next Congressman has arrived and is ready to serve you. I will be standing up for all the people. Working to make Washington work for all of us - not just for the wealthy and the powerful.

This is not an easy mission, but it is something I know I must do. I hope your would support our campaign and vote in the most important election for Congress in South Florida's history and of the United States of America.

May god bless you and together let us work for a more perfect union. Let us ring a new day in American politics and American history!

Sincerely Yours,

Michaelangelo Collins Hamilton

Democratic Candidate for Florida's 23rd Congressional District

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