Human Destiny by Sir Robert Anderson. Appendix 1

2 years ago

This Writing was donated by Alfred Corduan
Title: Human Destiny by Sir Robert Anderson

Most articles by this author were gleaned from Plymouth Brethren Writings.
Here is a clip from the forward by Alfred Corduan
“Universalism” - the teaching that God guarantees heaven for everyone – has been promoted to one degree or another for millennia. For my part, I have summarily dismissed it my entire life as the wishful thinking of guilty people, failing the simplest of Biblical tests. In the last few years, I have suddenly had to deal with it up close and personal when several dear fellow believers came forward as having embraced it. Then, in the last year, a well-known “megachurch” pastor – Rob Bell – came out as a Universalist, writing a book called “Love Wins,” which catapulted him into the national spotlight. For me, something previously ignored has roared to the forefront as one of the most dangerous spiritual errors I have ever encountered.

A Bible-based position that does away with the unspeakable horror of hell would capture the attention of any believer who has any feelings whatsoever for lost relatives and friends. Yet this hopeful friendliness covers the most insidious of poisons, one that, in its end, strips the fear of God out of the heart and the Savior and His unimaginable death on Calvary of eternal meaning. This is the oldest of lies - the Devil again calls out to the troubled heart of man as he did to Eve: “Ye shall not surely die.” Once the bait is taken, he has us and will destroy us.

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