VMblog Interview with Sumit Puri CEO of Liqid - HCI + CDI, Disaggregation and Virtualization

4 years ago

In this episode of VMblog's Expert Interview Series, VMblog speaks with our guest, Sumit Puri, the CEO of Liqid. Liqid provides a comprehensive software-defined composable infrastructure platform which empowers users to manage, scale, and configure physical, bare-metal server systems in seconds and then reallocate core data center devices on-demand as workflows and business needs evolve. Liqid Command Center software enables users to dynamically right size their IT resources on the fly.

During the conversation, Puri does a great job of introducing the concept of composable infrastructure. Composable infrastructure saves money, improves data center resource utilization, and offers faster hardware deployment while easily scaling to meet future business needs.

Puri also explains how Liqid composable infrastructure solutions enable IT users to pool and deploy previously static hardware. Disaggregated GPU, NVMe, FPGA, Intel Optane memory technology, networking, and CPU are managed through software, across multiple fibers, including PCIe, Ethernet, and Infiniband. Once a compute task has been completed, resources are released for use by other applications.

Watch and learn about the benefits of composable infrastructure for virtualization and VDI, hyperconverged data centers, GPU supercomputing, dynamic cloud, and more.

For more information about Liqid and to request a demo, please visit their Website at https://www.liqid.com/.

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