Columbia County GA Board Meeting July 12, 2022 (Janet Duggan speaking)

2 years ago

Transcript: Given the false statement made by the CCBOE, let’s take a look at the facts from the June 14th meeting remarks
On June 14th, I referenced an e mail by the Harlem Elementary School Principal stating
“’Navigating the Transgender Landscape’ Resource Guide. The guide states that we don’t have to do all that we are doing for transgender students. However, we’re going to continue to allow transgender students certain “rights” (restrooms, pronouns, etc”) Do not discuss this with staff. We are taking situations as they arise.”
Please see attached email.
I also reference the Augusta Press Article stating, “On August 26, 2021, some time after the principal’s conference the Augusta Press reported allegations of a biological boy in a girl’s restroom peeping, no charges were filed because of conflicting statements.
***Please see Augusta Press Article***
I stated that School Boards set policy. See attached CCBOE Policy BBBA stating just that.
I also inquired as to why the GTHS WrapAround Counselor was offering group LGBTQ+ Resiliency classes during academic class time? I asked how many other non academic groups were meeting during academic class time? (See list of questions below)

I followed up with an e mail to Chairman Dekle, Mr. Alalof and Dr. Flynt. Please see attached.
Chairman Dekle’s response was “Thank you for your email. Your concerns are noted. We take seriously our responsibility to address the social and emotional needs of our students. Grovetown does an excellent job in this regard. Have a great day.
Dr. Flynt stated “This is not and will not be typical practice in this school district. In addition, Mr. *** is no longer an employee of the school district. Thank you.
I also inquired as to why the GTHS Wraparound Counselor was promoting the use of preferred pronouns and have evidence of this as well.

On June 15th, I e mailed the CCBOE and Superintendent asking for 2 examples of evidence where any information that I have shared publicly is factually incorrect. The CCBOE is unable to provide any evidence that statements made by me are not factual or that they actually demonstrated any interest in adding “appropriate context” to the information that I have shared publicly. The CCBOE is making blatant statements to discredit concerned parents, all while being unwilling and unable to validate their own statements, simply because the CCBOE is attempting to control the narrative with propoganda, something that we have seen in the nation in the past year, hitting home in Columbia County. Another example of national trends making its way to our school system.
I encourage interested individuals to go to the FB group, Columbia County Schools Getting Informed and the website to obtain additional information and then make your own informed decisions. Please note that this is not the first time the CCBOE has attempted to publicly discredit legitimate concerns. In January they attempted the same with their FAQ section which also communicates blatantly false information. Of interest, one of the board members verified the circumstances around Panorama and the Peach State Summit Speaker, Ken Shelton, indeed acknowledging, CRT components.
A clear written policy is necessary because it protects students, teachers, administrators, and taxpayers. Policy sets a standard and an expectation. Policy protects from lawsuits. The CCSD and the CCBOE have chosen for some time to ignore the need for a written policy on the use of bathrooms in respect to biological sex and the use of (preferred) pronouns (despite being asked multiple times).

REMARKS FROM June 14, 2022
On February 27th, 2021 the Harlem Elementary School Principal reported via email to another leader information from the Principal’s Conference on February 21st, 2021.
Associate Superintendent Update:
“’Navigating the Transgender Landscape’ Resource Guide. The guide states that we don’t have to do all that we are doing for transgender students. However, we’re going to continue to allow transgender students certain “rights” (restrooms, pronouns, etc”) Do not discuss this with staff. We are taking situations as they arise.”
On August 26, 2021, some time after the principal’s conference the Augusta Press reported allegations of a biological boy in a girl’s restroom peeping, no charges were filed because of conflicting statements.
School Board’s set policy. What is the reason that there is no current policy or specific detail outlined in the code of conduct regarding bathroom use and biological sex?
Could it be because the CCSD allows transgender boys in the girl’s bathroom?
Could it be that the CCSD turns a blind eye to transgender boys in girl’s bathrooms?
On February 2, 2021, the GTHS WrapAround Counselor invited students to participate in a LGBTQ+Resiliency Group, students were going to be automatically included in this group unless teachers opted their students out. No response from a teacher was permission to attend and miss academic learning.
Why would the wraparound counselor offer this group during academic class time? How many other groups are meeting during academic class time? How many students are missing out on academic learning to participate in the various groups? Although some groups have merit, offering these groups during class time is not warranted.
Are our students at GTHS doing so well in academics that they can be excused from an academic class to participate in a non academic group?
Is there any written documentation of parental consent to have their child excused from the academic learning?
Is there any written documentation of parental consent to participate in a school lead LGBTQ group?
You have a Wraparound Counselor encouraging staff to use certain pronouns. Also known as compelled speech, some would argue this is a violation of one first amendment rights. Again, why it is important to have a policy in place.
A clear written policy is necessary because it protects students, teachers, administrators, and taxpayers. Policy sets a standard and an expectation. Policy protects from lawsuits. The CCSD and the CCBOE have chosen for some time to ignore the need for a written policy on the use of bathrooms in respect to biological sex and the use of (preferred) pronouns (despite being asked multiple times).

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