Darryl Edwards: Animal Moves, Surviving Terror & How To Not Get Steamrolled by Life

4 years ago

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Even before the world shut down, 80% of kids don’t get enough exercise.

What do you think these numbers look like for grown-ups?


Somehow we find ourselves in a world where we need to fight for our right to recess. Even if we're adults. No matter what country we're in.

I can't think of a better person to remind us how important it is to go outside and play than our friend Darryl Edwards.

Darryl is a former investment banking technologist turned movement coach, author, researcher, and creator of the Primal Play method.

He's also a talented musician, as well. Being a creator, some sort of artist, whether that be visual art, theater, performance of any kind, but certainly music and play. These are all very related to each other, and building one of these modalities can help build the others, I believe.

On today's show with Darryl, we're talking about:

* How the phrase "I play" can transform you.
* Making functional fitness fun again
* How to take the superhero path
* What NOT to do in an emergency situation
* How not to get completely steamrolled by life—that’s important right now.
* And tons more...

Read the show notes: https://fatburningman.com/darryl-edwards-animal-moves-surviving-terror-how-to-not-get-steamrolled-by-life

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