One law is defeating Gun Controllers across the NATION… This is crucial intel!…

3 years ago

#2A #guncontrol #Biden #Democrats
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In this video, we discuss how 1 single law is blocking the gun control advocates on the state level across the nation. This is some great intel to know people! Let's discuss...

Articles for Reference:


Preemption: “Preemption occurs when, by legislative or regulatory action, a “higher” level of government (state or federal) eliminates or reduces the authority of a “lower” level over a given issue.”


“Florida’s 2011 amendment to its gun preemption law is unique: Not only does it prohibit local governments from regulating guns, it allows punitive measures against local elected officials for even trying.”

“Arizona’s punitive gun preemption law requires the county, city or town to “post a bond equal to the amount of state shared revenue” whenever the state attorney general files suit against the local government for an alleged violation of Arizona’s gun preemption law.”

From the

“Federal and state preemption laws threaten local firearm regulations and can prevent local officials from protecting their communities against gun violence.”

A Recent Win:

“Florida appeals court upholds NRA-backed state law barring local gun regulations”

“In a win for Republican lawmakers and the National Rifle Association, an appeals court Friday upheld a 2011 state law that threatens tough penalties if city and county officials approve gun-related regulations.”

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