"Stop the Vaccines!" - We're Driving Escape Mutants; Pull Them Off the Market

2 years ago

Dr. Pierre Kory: (https://pierrekory.substack.com/) "We would not be here today [if we deployed early treatment]. This would have been over a long time ago …

The fearmongering would have stopped, and this relentless push for novel barely-tested toxic vaccines would not have been triggered."

Dr. Robert Malone: (https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/) "The vaccines are not working. They're driving it [the COVID problem] even further, and the only solution left, in my opinion, is to deploy widespread early treatment as soon as possible to shut this down, and we got to stop the vaccine.

Our group made that clear, unambiguous statement. We're done!

Do not vaccinate your children!

There is no sense in this, and it is time to withdraw these vaccines, in our opinion."

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