NBC says Gun Control “appears limited”… We are holding the line…!

3 years ago

#2A #guncontrol #biden #democrats
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In this video, we discuss and NBC article which hits hard on the idea that Biden has done what he can do... Without Congress, Gun Control will be an issue for the Dems. Let's discuss people!

Articles for Reference:

Biden's gun actions could have a positive, if limited, impact, experts say



- Filabuster is holding
- House bills are stalled
- gun rights support is rising
- State gun rights bills are passing
- Senate Feinstein bill is DOA
- They are forced to Executive Actions

“Relegated them to the edges of the 2nd amendment and WE WILL meet them on that ground for the fight for our rights”

Gun Control Over All

“Gun violence experts and advocates pushing for tighter firearm restrictions say that Biden's unilateral actions could lead to some reduction in gun violence but that congressional action would be needed for substantial changes — a prospect that appears dim in the closely divided Congress.”


“While Biden's actions could chip away at gun violence, experts say it won't decrease dramatically unless Congress closes gaps in existing law, such as the "gun show loophole," which exempts private sellers from performing federally required background check on buyers.”

“"There's still a long way to go," said Louis Klarevas, a research professor at Teachers College, Columbia University, who studies gun violence and has written about mass shootings. "What will really make a difference will be if he can get legislative measures enacted with the help with Congress. What he did today was strictly limited to what he can do from the White House in the executive branch.””

“as in years past, the prospect of passing such legislation appears limited, requiring Democrats in the evenly split Senate to hold on to the support of all 50 members of the party and gain the backing of 10 Republicans. House Democrats are also grappling with an extremely slim margin to advance legislation.”

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