What Biden And Democrats NEED To Do To Win

2 years ago

Guest Daniel Laurison joins the show to talk about what the Democrats need to do to win over voters in 2022 and beyond.

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At the start of the show I was just talking about the brutality of the republican party and you know the fascism the the the further and further right that they go. and the voters will always follow them right? it doesn't have the radicalization that is such a threat to people and to the United states. and with these strategies it seems like you know campaigns are not equipped to really reckon with it and combat it based on these outdated strategies. and you talk about that a bit. Can you expand on that point? yeah absolutely. i mean i think the you know i'm really worried about the future of this country really both you know just as a as a person who cares about other people as a transgender man as a parent of children with uteruses as you know someone who cares about racial and economic i could go on and on right? I think we all are. and I really worry that the democrats are not doing what they need to do to bring enough people out in the next election after that. I hear so many people I know saying this and this is actually part of another research project I have as well. saying you know the people in power don't care about me. they're not doing anything to help me. they don't they you know they're not interested in me and people like me. and so why should i vote for them. and you know it's really hard to change that kind of world view with yet another ad saying after the next election we'll be able to do the efg. even if it's true. right like it is true that there are real reasons that the democrats are not able to deliver on a lot of things that they i think would like on some level to deliver on.

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