Civil War Week By Week: 4. Britain's lost colony (May 3rd - 9th)

4 years ago

You'll never guess who did the Queens voice. Yes I should get an Oscar.

A war within a nation can become an oppurtiny for foreign goverments.
Another state leaves the union and a foreign nation takes a stand this week during the Civil War.
In May the third Lincoln called on volunteers for three years. He doubles the regular standing army and calls on an adontinal 42,000. Though those volunteers are under the state government. May the fourth general order No 15 is issuedT he President of the United States having called for a Volunteer Force to aid in the enforcement of the laws and the suppression of insurrection, and to consist of thirty-nine regiments of infantry and one regiment of cavalry, making a minimum aggregate of (34,506) thirty-four thousand five hundred and six officers and enlisted men, and a maximum aggregate of (42,034) forty two thousand and thirty-four officers and enlisted men, the following plan of organization has been adopted, and is directed to be printed for general information:...
Arkansas on May 6th would leave the Union. This isn’t that surprising, in fact they already tried to. The day after Lincoln took office they tried to leave the Union but many unionists showed up and voted to stay. Now after Linoln’s call for men and preemptive action by the Governor a new vote is held. The vote is 65 to 5, and with that they leave the Union. Though in an effort for Arkansas unity they ask the five who voted against to change their mind. Only one doesn't. Who was the one who voted to stay there was none other than future governor Isaac Murphy. I’m aware that he is a controversial figure with some saying he was behind the Huntsville massacre. To go to something less controversial, Interestingly it would be the first state to be readmitted back into the Union.The state of Tennessee schedules a vote for succession after it adopts the ordinance of secession.
On the 9th there is the Battle of Gloucester Point a fire fight between the gunboat USS Yankee and a naval battery off the coast of virginia.
Next up and the final topic of this week is the British. Despite some of the things I’m going to talk about happening after this week now seems like a good time. They take the strong stance of neutrality. This is actually more important, more exciting and more divisive than many think. First while the aristocrats and leaders of Britain were more pro-south, the general populace was pro-north. Second if you indulge me for a second let's look at the careful wording of responses to the declaration of neutrality.

Whereas we are happily at peace with all sovereign powers and States:
And whereas hostilities have unhappily commenced between the Government of the United States of America and certain States styling themselves the Confederate States of America:
And whereas we, being at peace with the Government of the United States have declared our royal determination to maintain a strict and partial neutrality in the contest between the said contending parties:
We therefore have thought fit, by [and with] the advice of our privy council, to issue this our royal proclamation:
And we do hereby strictly charge and command all our loving subjects to observe a strict neutrality in and during the aforesaid hostilities, and to abstain from violating or contravening either the laws and statutes of the realm in this behalf or the law of nations in relation thereto, as they will answer to the contrary at their peril.
Victoria R
13 May, 1861

First do you see how it never takes a direct stand on if the Confederate states are legitimate or not. By using words such as “styling” the never do take a direct stance on it and can’t face the anger of the United States. This neutrality also allows them to sell and make money off of both sides. The 1853 pattern Einfeld is a common weapon on both sides. Cotton was very important to the British as it fueled their industrial revolution but food imports from America was also important. The British even Prime Minister Lord, Henery John Temple recipient of the most noble order of the garter, the most honorable order of bath and a member of the privy council, who was of confederate sympathys found African slavery abhorent. The’ve been calling on nations such as the U.S to fight the illegal tans atlantic slave trade. Britain besides being a weapons dealer would also remain a threat to the Union until a famous proclamation. In fact a reason for the Maryland campaign would be to gain British support. You see as the Confederates saw it if Britain came in and mediated the conflict they would be able to keep their declared independence. This foreign diplomacy between the two main combatants of the war and the British would be filled with misstep, affair and action. The confederacy is granted the status of belligerent so there's that for them.

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