How to Harvest Rhubarb

4 years ago

(I've looked around at some other rhubarb videos and frankly, I'm unimpressed! I put our rhubarb up against theirs, no contest! ) Lori Fiechter here with a heaping dishpan full of rhubarb. Do you need any? :) Today is a balmy May 2 that feels more like July. Well, maybe June. We're not used to any sort of warmth so I call it summer. Luckily for the cool-weather-loving rhubarb, we have lots more cool days in store after this freakishly warm day. I'm not complaining. Freakishly warm is just fine with me today! Today was our first picking of rhubarb and it was ridiculously prolific! If I wanted to (I don't) I could probably make 8 pies from it. Maybe. Not gonna happen. It's too hot today anyway to turn the oven on. I'll deal with some of it tomorrow and maybe make some rhubarb sauce to freeze. Then give some more away next week. Sounds like a plan.

I'll make another video tomorrow or so to show you what I end up baking with it: pie, crisp, or crunch. And Grandpa Sammy sauce on hot buttered bread...

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