07-13-2022 Sound Frequency and Vibration machine - Omaha Water Store & Wellness Center (my personal session)

2 years ago

First time doing a video on & about this machine. (Note: I mentioned in the video that to drink water is half of your weight throughout the day, but I forgot to say it is in ounces.)

This machine is (Amazing!!!) though I am using reduction of body fat and helping with my cholesterol. This machine can do sooooooo much more!!

How does it work? 🤔
Electrical Potential:
The electrical potential of the cell is a direct indicator of the overall health of the body. When the electrical potential is low, your cells lose their vitality and ability to function properly, which can lead to fatigue, lack of vitality, and decreased immunity.

Focus on Prevention:
There are many chronic disorders, aches, and pains, that are currently only managed with a life-time of discomfort, or prescriptions that rob us of our quality of life with disastrous side effects. Why not explore another direction of preventative health, wellness, and fitness?

Stagnant Fluid Movement:
We cannot remove the dirty, stagnant fluids in our body so we must stimulate circulation to facilitate detoxification and enhance the flow of energy throughout our bodies.

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