'This is D-Day' | The Right To Life League praises Dobbs case after Roe v. Wade Overturned

1 year ago


SACRAMENTO, Calif. — As abortion rights advocates condemn the far-reaching United States Supreme Court overturning the 1973 Roe V. Wade, those against abortion applaud the move.

The ruling removes the long-standing right to abortion in the United States, effectively allowing states to decide if or when it may occur.

Attorney Susan Swift with the Right To Life League, America’s oldest anti-abortion identifying group and based in California, says the decision is a win.

“This is ‘D’ Day, Dobbs day,” Swift said. Dobbs has now overruled Roe v. Wade are ecstatic, and we are overjoyed.”

The group, which wants abortion illegal in all circumstances, has long argued that abortion is not a right enshrined in the constitution.

“Our Congress has never passed an abortion amendment, there is no right to abortion in the constitution, that was made up by an activist Court, they created it,” Swift said.

Twenty-six states have laws triggered by Friday's ruling or are likely to pass new laws restricting abortion, California is not one of them.

Instead, officials in the progressive stronghold have vowed to bolster abortion rights. Through proposed legislation and a proposed amendment to the state constitution, something Swift’s group plans to fight.

“California is going to be a pro-abortion, sanctuary state for the entire nation,” Swift said. “It’s deplorable and it’s despicable but they are marching it through and the only thing that’ll fix it are elections.”

The group says it will continue to advocate for anti-abortion laws while supporting medical clinics and counseling centers that help women facing unplanned pregnancies but that do not perform abortions.

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