Prophecy#17 We the People - Series#24

2 years ago

Series#24 ‘We Will Overcome n/2020’
Recorded; December 20, 2020
Our Lord has said, “I have Loosed the Hounds who will Hunt the Financial Trails tracking the monies sown into Corrupting the Powers in Politics, Justice, Law, and Order.” (see Prophecy#8)
“Now the Hounds are chasing the Evil Doers up the Tree of Unforgiveness. What they thought in the beginning was a Money Tree, free and easy money if you are willingly to do Lucifer’s Bidding.”
“Surprisingly, the Spirit of Corruption has been found in the Least Expected People. From top Ranks of Justice down through the channels of Law and Order. Their Souls were Sold to the Devil. Selling Out their Families, Friends and Nation for the Love of Money.”
“Wow unto those who have Partaken of the Crumbs that have fallen from the Table of Sin. Blinded to Justice and having no Fear of the Law soon they shall experience the Wrath of We the People.’”
It is Written:
“For the Love of Money is a Root of all kinds of Evil, for which some have Strayed from the Faith in their greediness and pierced themselves through with many sorrows” (1 Timothy 6:10 NKJV).

Series#24 ‘We Will Overcome n/2020’
Recorded; December 20, 2020
I AM is saying, “With the stroke of My Arm I will move the Corrupt into the open for all to see. Justice Begins and Ends with ME!”
“Looking for answers many will see their Evil World Slipping Away. With Bent Illusions forming in their souls, they will assume that a Foreign Invasion has begun.”
“With no Fake News nor Tech Marauders to sooth their Reprobate Minds they will violently strike out to harm ‘We the People.”
“Those who worship the gods of Asia. Look at yourself Lashing out against the Righteous. Are you so foolish to believe that I will stand by and allow you to Rule?”
“Observe, ‘We the People’ will stand up against your Tyranny of Evil Masters and they will NOT be Standing Alone. I will Unleash all of Your Evil Superstitions. They will Come Alive Haunting your every move to Your Demise.”
It is Written:
“Has the Lord’s arm been shortened? Now you shall see whether what I say will happen to you or not” (Numbers 11:23 NKJV).
Review of Prophecy#6-B
‘Shall I Send a Famine’
Recorded: October 4, 2020

A Financial Storm is Coming:
Those who have an Ear to Hear shall travel a Path of Prosperity. If they are found to be Faithful and Obey My Prophetic Words more shall be added to their gains.
What I desire to do is shift the Wealth of the Wicked into the hands of My Righteous Remnant. Those whom I can Trust to Obey My Voice Will Reap a Whirlwind of Increase.
As the Financial Tornados roar through the lands Mounds of Wealth will become like Sand picked up and thrown all around. In the midst of these storms the skies will part for My Angelic Host to descend with My Message in Hand. These messages will be delivered to My Appointed Vessels who serve to be My Voice in your lands. Hear them for their Words are My Words.
Do you have Faith to believe My Words? If so, then your Works will Prove your Faith is Not Dead, for you did what was said. It is not enough to hear Me. The Doers of My Word are the True Believers. Their rewards will rise like Financial Towers. These Strong Columns will represent My Power on Earth turning the markets into Grace and Favor for My people.
It is Written:
“A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children, but the Wealth of the sinner is stored up for the Righteous” (Proverbs 13:22 NKJV).

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