Drive-In Church - House Arrest - Part 3 - Pastor Jason Henderson - May 3, 2020

4 years ago

When the circumstances of life seem uncertain and undefined, know that God is still in control of ALL things.

Matthew 7:24-27

Storms Happen To Everyone, They Are No Respecter Of People.

Storms Happen Suddenly And Usually Without Warning.

Storms Come With Full Destruction And Power

There Are ONLY Two Groups Of People

Wise: A Wise person hears and obeys.
Foolish: A Foolish person hears and ignores.

2. There Are Only Two Foundations To Build On

In the landscape of Jesus you had two options for foundations: Rock or Sand. Rock was harder and took more effort. Sand was easy to level.

Sand: Christ knew that some coming to build would be attracted to a ready-prepared level surface of sand rather than to sites that must be excavated to reach the hard and rugged rock. Human nature often chooses what looks easy on the surface. But after the seasonal floods, representing trials and tests, such a builder would have nothing left but a heap of ruins.

A sandy foundation represents empty preference and mere external religion based on false knowledge. The sand reflects the shifting, uncertain feelings some foolish people possess, the only ground upon which they act. The second house, even though most impressive, stands on a shifting foundation, and is therefore doomed to destruction. People whose resolves do not rest on God's help sought in prayer—people who have virtues without root—live in a dangerous position. The Pharisees built their hopes on external blessings and privileges, which alienated their minds from the Rock of their salvation. Christ had to tell them that Satan, not Abraham, was their father.

Rock:This is Christ Himself, A rock foundation represents true understanding and right action—true conviction and commitment manifested in righteousness. Only in obedience and dedication to a personal relationship with Christ the Rock can we find emotional and spiritual stability—without which even our most dedicated purposes rest on shifting sand.

Both Houses Seem Similar
Both Houses Promise Protection From Storms
Both Houses Outwardly Look And Promise The Same.

The single greatest decision you are going to make is what your foundation will be. What will you build your life on?


Our Foundation Will Determine Our Ability To Face Our Fears

Our Foundation Will Decide Our Outcome

Our Foundation Will Distinguish Between True Believers (Internal ) and False Believers (External).

1 Peter 2:4-12

There Are ONLY Two Foundations To Build



There Are ONLY Two Outcomes

What will your foundation be?


Related content from Renewal Church:

Drive-In Church / House Arrest - Part 1:
Drive-In Church / House Arrest - Part 2:
Drive-In Church / House Arrest - Part 3:
Drive-In Church / House Arrest - Part 4:
Drive-In Church / House Arrest - Part 5:

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