Timeshift (PC) Gameplay Sample

2 years ago

I just picked up the PC version of this game, despite already owning the Xbox 360 version. Outside of a message about outdated shaders being used, it runs just fine on my desktop with my 750 ti. I haven't checked to see if there are any patches for this game out there as of yet.

I've always really liked this game. I liked it enough to plop $20 on it to buy the PC version off of Steam. Timeshift mixes elements of Half Life 2, and F.E.A.R. into a very lengthy first person shooter game. It's been over a decade since I played through this one, probably not since I first showed footage of the 360 version in 2010: https://youtu.be/_UHOO9DZsqY but I have always really liked this game, despite it's nonsensical story telling. The story is fragmented, and just doesn't make any sense, but the long campaign, solid gameplay overshadows it's fragmented story.

Here is what I wrote for the footage I showed for the Xbox 360 version:

"Timeshift is a FPS that follows more of the feel of Half-Life than Halo, and that gives you the ability to alter the flow of time.

The story follows...Well, I'm not actually sure what's going on in the majority of the story in this game, and story based gamers will be sorely disappointed. They have story elements, but you'll be scratching your head over them throughout most of the game. This may seem like a big loss to some of you, and will turn you off to this game, but even with a weak story, the game is still fun to play.

As much as I like the story in some FPS games, it all just comes down to there are enemies shooting the hell out of you, so shoot the hell out of them back. It's fun gameplay that's the true motivator in gaming anyways, and from a gameplay standpoint, Timeshift is very solid.

The single player mode is lengthy, has good action, and the time shifting abilities feel like more than a gimmick. Sure, there are some scripted gimmicky events that force you to use them, but aside from those, they become a part of how you play the game. Slow down time in the heat of battle to give yourself the upper hand against your opponents, or pause time to let your health refill. Get a grenade stickied to you? Rewind time to right before it was thrown and move out of the way.

The only flaw in the time abilities is that there's only one button that controls the time abilities, and most of the time the game automatically switches to the one it deems as the most important one to use at the time. You can switch between them yourself as well, but it feels a little clunky. It's sometimes helpful when the game chooses for you, but other times it causes you to choose slow when you want to pause, and vice versa. Overall, it usually works pretty well.

The biggest complaint I've read about this game is that fact that you've seen it all before. Overall, this game has a lot of the Half-Life 2 feel to it. There's something about it that reminds me a lot of HL2. That being said, yes, the game isn't 100% original in feel, but it is still a fun FPS game, and it's worth a look for those who don't put a huge amount of emphasis on story, or even realism in their FPS games.

Overall it has it's flaws, and it won't be the greatest FPS you've ever played, but I thoroughly enjoyed my time with this game. If you're a member of the CoD generation of gaming, who judges any game no matter how uncomparable to CoD, you won't find much here for you.

Timeshift is also available on the PS3 and PC"

#Timeshift #GameplaySample #PCFPS

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