A Boy and His Blob (Wii) Gameplay Sample

3 years ago

If you like this footage, this game is also available on the PS4 and Switch as of this upload.

I have never played the classic version of this game, so my love of the Wii version is ignorant of how it plays in comparison to the original. What I can say, is I love the Wii remake which is brought to us by Wayforward games. It's a beautiful, well designed, puzzle game that has players traversing the levels by solving blob-based puzzles. The boy himself is a weakling, but the key to the game is solving puzzles and defeating enemies by morphing the Blob into various items by feeding him various colored jelly beans. This is a beatifully drawn, lighthearted, charming puzzle game that has still yet to get the attention it deserves.

I haven't even beat this game yet, but I liked it enough to put it in my intro. Every time I hook the Wii up, this is one of the first games I give attention too.

this is not to be comfused with De Blob, which is another really good game about a blob on the Wii.

#ABoyandHisBlob #HiddenGems #WayForward

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