God Gave His Son | Sermon 12/19/2021

3 years ago

The God who decrees all things by His own counsel produces only good for those who love Him, those who are the called-out ones. He accomplishes this despite what evil man performs, it is futile as God will produce for Himself and the called a righteous result. And these called-out ones who love Him have been known by Him intimately from eternity past, now to be conformed to the image of His preeminent Son receiving adoption into the heavenly family.

Paul establishes the Golden Chain of Redemption in verse 30. All those whom God has had relationship with even prior to their existence He has predestined them to be His, He called them through regeneration by His Spirit, declared them righteous by a gifted faith in His Son, and solidifies His promise to glorify them by stating it in the past tense. Who can reverse what God has wrought? All His promises are sure to be given because they are not even as significant and momentous as the giving of His own Son.

In the court of the Lord our Judge, who can now accuse us of what Christ has paid for? No one can condemn because Jesus died, accepting our penalty and giving us the fruit of His reward. He remains at the Father’s right-hand as a monument of debt paid by His grace.

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