The Usurper and the Throne | Sermon 01/09/2022

2 years ago

This is a dark story, one of a bitter man who stops at nothing to obtain his desires. A twisted people, who though they have seen the miracles of God, play the harlot and run after other gods.

It is the story of adultery, Israel running around with its pagan playmates. While the LORD of Hosts rescues his adulterous bride from the brink of utter destruction. This is the story of the dog who goes back to lick up its own vomit. It is the story of the addict, who destroys himself and all those around him trying to obtain an unreachable high

This is the story of Idolatry, the very first commandant is “thou shalt have no other gods before me” and The book of Judges clearly illustrates what happens to a covenant people, who reject the LORD as King and bring illegitimate worship into the house of God.

We live in God’s world, by His design. It is upheld by the word of His power. He is sovereign, distinct, and separate from His creation, yet He is fully imminent and present. He determines how and what we worship, He is a jealous God who shares His glory with no one.

He alone deserves and receives worship. He has declared the end from the beginning, He creates calamity and well-being. He alone establishes kings and judges the nations.

It is under His hand that Kingdoms rise and kingdoms fall. It is our LORD who endures forever.

Understanding, knowledge, truth, justice, and love stem from His Character, and Reality is determined by the immutable nature of God. Therefore what He says goes, anyone who rejects God lives in rebellion to God’s determined reality and they are living in a lie, they are searching after something that they can never find.

This is idolatry, the worship of what isn’t when God is the great I AM. God’s wrath abides on those who reject Him, He opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.
He sits in the heavens and laughs and holds the nations in derision.

Anyone who is not with God is against God, and all peoples/nations/kings will face judgment for their actions. Every word said under the sun will be brought forth before the king and we will all have to give an account.

It is a dangerous thing, to fall into the hands of the Living God.

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