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JUSTIN JAMES Golf World Long Drive Champion - Imagine 485 Yards!!!

3 years ago

Imagine hitting a golf ball 485 yards! Justin James has done it. Justin won the WLDC in 2017, recently placed 2nd, and held the #1 WLDC Ranking in 2017, and 2018. Justin is a supercool guy, and very knowledgable about technique and training. Enjoy this episode of MSE!


The next MSE Intensive is February 5th and 6th! Email christo@myswingevolution.com for details!

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Christo Garcia is sponsored by Ben Hogan Golf. Use code SWGEVOLUTION for 10% off on Hogan gear and clubs!

Get the all-new instructional video The Hogan Code here! https://myswingevolution.com/products...