DOOM 2016 (PC) Gameplay Sample

2 years ago

This is the newest, new-gen game I own, and it's coming up on 6 years old now. Fun game, a bit overrated I would say, but I still really enjoy it when I boot it up. I know that no one cares about Doom 2016 in light of Doom Eternal, but this was worth my money. Maybe someday I will buy Eternal, and that will be my newest, new gen game.

Note: I am trying a different format here, so I apologize for the screen tearing in parts. Instead of using Shadowplay, and then converting it via handbrake like I normally do, I actually ran my Laptop through my Elgato HD60s via my desktop. I put V-sync on to keep it at 60 F, and my editing software is a bit old, and won't let me encode my video at 60 F. There is more screen tearing here than when I was playing.

#Doom2016 #PC #Gameplay

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