Heavenly Footprints in Sands of time, REFLECTION

1 year ago

Sowing of seed can be a strong wheat of Hay
when more than two take a hand
and show they care
Yes its true
God places
Your Footprints in the sand
Here is why
Because listen to the song
and find out the care
You will find his Footprints in the sand

If Life is true, If your walk is treading
Then who do you give thanks for the imprints that are left behind you...
Who or what are you forgetting?

God or Family, Family or God?
and which reflect outside your window
Look up and see what God shows you outside your doors and windows...
If you are asking the why? Then look around upon the ground
Poor you will always have, however if you never attempt to help the loss
Then you have let go of the Love once shown evident within your own upbringing
Poverty, is darkness and it will dump in your own yard, if you do not address it
You can only address it by one Spiritual Faith & two helping it with helping hand out of that miry Clay is moldable and so is your outside but have you ignored it all because you say its not right

Why you hypocrite point fingers at those that have not less when you have the more
Do you really think you are any better than a falcon, Eagle and Eagle, Falcon
You both are wrong for what have you done with the seeds I provided for you
Provisions are seeds of faith to see what steps you will take through heart intent
When you cheat each other out of what God has allowed for a blessing
Then your songs become heavy and dark
REFLECTION, Is free, it will not serve anything, but, show the glean, from ones efforts placed before it whether true or falsified

To serve one another in Love, you have to accept the first Love through THE begotten one
First accept the Unconditional Love that my Son and Holy Spirit gave
Can you learn, YES, of course you can, I gave you each a mind
Can you hold compassion? YES, you can because I created the heartbeat in each of you
I even sent you one as an example on what Compassion means to me
I even placed a comforter of one upon him to show you the grace, a way out of your hurts too

Can you let go of past hurts, YES OF COURSE YOU CAN...
Forgiveness is simply coming to terms that you held onto something that I did not give to you and that you picked up along your life and walk, and you repented of it because you finally realized deep inside it will not help you to dwell on what was not true to begin with, it is repentance of wrongs justified, washing off the darkness that tried to hide inside, its by showing in faith the deliverance of one owns self wrongs inside

removing the just hearsay, but becomes truly evident, that its gone off you and you are being once again a new
When you Love one another, you go the extra mile for another?
Yes Father, we can
Well then Look up "Tabitha Cuni", my Love, first is not through gain of work or effort of your tithing its given freely Love me with all thy heart, with all thy soul, with all thy mind and strength once you understand this first commandment your heart for each other changes and if you can learn to love one another as I loved you, all will be well


If you want it to glean then you have to sweat to help get it right,
because God did not do it to you
Don't cry the booohoo, if you did it yourself
Pick up, dust off and clean house

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