Bionicle Heroes (PS2) Gameplay

2 years ago

This is a thrift store find that surprised me as being a fun and competent little shooter. It's obviously geared towards kids, but this comes from Travelers Tails, and has the same addictive collect stuff to buy upgrades formula that LEGO Star Wars has.

Honestly, for a game geared toward kids, this is fun, and has a unique character switching system, mixed with that addictive collecting formula. Not everything is perfect, but this is solid, and I had fun with my time playing just the first two levels.

The Grphics are decent, and the PS2 version even has widescreen support which is why this footage was recorded in 16:9. The controls are tank-controls which may put some people off, but if you hold R2, you can sidestep, so it's reminiscent of perhaps a 3rd person shooter in the PS1 era.

That being said, looking up the reviews for this game, I am scratching my head. I know that Bionicle is a line and has it's own books an lore, but why would a gamespot review (giving it a 4/10) mention plot holes? Like really? who gives a flying **** about plot holes in a simple shooter that is geared towards kids? -Face palm-

Seriously, unless the game is broken later on in the gameplay, I would say any "professional" review that gave this game anything lower than a 7 is not worth listening to. I can't speak for the Xbox 360, Gamecube, PC, or Wii versions of this game, but seriously, this isn't a 4 or 5 out of ten game, this is a game that has fun, and playable elements. It's not spectacular in any way, but it is fun, and at least from what I have played so far, not broken.

As I look back, and read reviews published in the years gone by I start to see that a lot of the gaming media was out of touch, and had no idea what even made a game good. Seriously PLOT HOLES!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm guessing they only played a couple of levels and wrote a review for the game, because it wasn't a high profile release, so why bother playing more, plus, they probably couldn't beat the game anyway. I'd tell them to do better, but we all know they won't.

terrible gamespot review:

#BionicleHeroes #PS2 #Gameplay

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