Dusk (PC) Gameplay

2 years ago

I like Dusk. I didn't come away from it nearly as in love with it as so many others, but it's still a very well made game. In fact I did a full review on it a while back.

Go Here: https://youtu.be/lBeUomuh9j4

Fun game, but, again, I didn't fall in love with it. I remember when it first got announced, all the big gaming channels covered it, and they said a lot of the same things. I can't tell if the developers sent them a playable version, and gave them a script to read off of, or if they were just copying what other channels said in their videos, but there was definitely something fishy with it.

I like Dusk, but wasn't madly in love with it like so many others were. It's still so fast, fun and fluid, and has some good level designs. I still definitely recommend the game for oldschool FPS fans, as you may love it. It's OK if we disagree.

#Dusk #Gameplay #FPS

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