3 John 1:5-8 Thank you for being faithful

2 years ago

3 John 1:5-8 Thank you for being faithful
You know who usually gets the most credit when a good job is done, the one who has done the least amount of work. I mean the company has a great quarter and the manager looks like a hero when really the workers are the ones who got the job done. Politicians are praised for advancements in their communities, but their staff is the one working countless hour’s making things happen. Sadly, the same think holds true in the church as well. They people upfront are the ones who receive the praise when the ones who are serving are the ones deserving the praise. John didn’t make this mistake as he praises Gaius for doing what others refused to do, caring of his brothers and sisters in Christ. Matthew Henry says that Gaius was “Gaius overlooked petty differences among serious Christians, and freely helped all who bore the image, and did the work of Christ. He was upright in what he did, as a faithful servant.”
A lot times I think we overcomplicate our relationship with God and make things seem a lot more difficult than they really are. All we must do as a believer is simply be faithful to what God has asked us to do. Gaius was simply meeting the needs of those around him, he didn’t have an elaborate ministry or his name on the marque. He was the simple seeing people in need and did his best to serve them, he was living life as a servant. Don’t think you have to have a title in the church to work for the Lord, most of the work for God is done outside the 4 walls of the church. It is done by loving mommies faithfully teaching their children about Jesus, coworkers praying over each other, conversations at the grocery store, and helping someone out when you see it is needed. The key is to being faithful is being obedient to the Holy Spirit and always seeking to serve others and remember what James 4:17 says, the know the right thing to do and not do it is sin.

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