Hellven Author: David Stanfield

1 year ago

The Struggles of Being a Worldly Christian", published by TBN. Topics: Depression, Grief, Addiction, Suicide, and more.”

Hellven: The Struggles of Being a Worldly Christian" was recently released by Trilogy Publishing, which is TBN's publishing company. I use this "Hellven" concept to help explain the state of Christianity in today's world as most of us so called Christians have conformed to the world and become hypocritical. We know how we are supposed to live, what is right, and what is wrong, yet we choose to believe that we can do what we want instead and just ask forgiveness later. "Hellven" is described as having the horns and the halo, or having our cake and eating it too so to speak, but we all know that is not the case. We know that is not the way God intends us to live. However, when we choose to get off the right path, we begin to face more and more life struggles, which are even harder to deal with when we are not living for Christ, but of this world.

After explaining the "Hellven" concept, the book then goes into some of the many struggles we face on a daily basis. There is a chapter for each of the struggles discussed and I give statistics, real life experiences and stories of things I have personally faced (including the loss of my son to suicide), and advice for dealing with these struggles. Some of the struggles/topics in the book are questioning faith, anger, profanity, worry, relationships, forgiveness, finances, life balance, stress, depression, grief, addiction, honesty & integrity, witnessing, obedience, and more. At the end of each chapter/struggle, I give 10 scriptures to help and encourage the reader to overcome that struggle when faced with it.

My goal is to get the message God gave me to share with the book out to as many people as I can, and get it outside of my family/friend circle. It is a very real and very relevant message for the current state of this world. I am looking for opportunities to share the book's message and I'm interested in being a guest on podcasts, radio shows, or speaking events, so I am just reaching out. I am already lining up a few spots and events and will be promoting them on all of my social media sites as they are scheduled.

I'll be glad to share a free PDF copy of the book for review, or you can also find it on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or any other online bookstore.

Reach out and let me know if you are interested in taking a look at it and talking about my stories within the book. Thank you for your time and God bless

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