Thargoid AX Zones // Elite Dangerous - RERUN

2 years ago

Re-Run of last Saturday's AX anti Thargoid battles - The HIP 22460 system has been invaded by large numbers of Thargoid vessels, with several multi-craft conflicts already reported.

An alert was broadcast by Commodore Morag Halloran, military coordinator for Azimuth Biotech:

“As Salvation predicted, the Thargoids have detected the large-scale concentration of Guardian artefacts aboard the Bright Sentinel. Thargoid interceptors and scouts are now swarming throughout HIP 22460.”

“The Allied, Federal and Imperial taskforces have engaged the enemy. But it is crucial that their efforts are supplemented by as many additional ships as we can muster. All available independent pilots and AX squadrons are requested to take part in counter-offensives against the Thargoids.”

“It is also important to protect traders who are entering the system to deliver Guardian artefacts to the Bright Sentinel. The construction of the Proteus Wave relies on these vital components, and supply routes must not be interrupted by Thargoid strikes.”

The Alliance megaship Oath of Tyndareus, the Farragut-class battle cruiser FNS Fortitude, and the Majestic-class interdictor INV Audacious Dream are coordinating the tactical deployment of the superpowers’ taskforces in HIP 22460. The anti-xeno operation in HIP 22460 involving Azimuth Biotech and the superpowers has drawn comments from prominent political figures.

Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval: “I agree with Senator Patreus that supporting Azimuth’s proposal remains our most practical course of action. However, alternative options for tackling the Thargoid threat are required.”

Princess Aisling Duval: “Salvation is clearly a master of self-promotion and public manipulation. I only hope that the Empire does not regret associating with this distasteful individual.”

Prime Minister Edmund Mahon: “Our military presence in HIP 22460, coupled with the strategic defence pact with Sirius Corporation, shows that the long-term security of Allied systems remains our priority.”

Councillor Nakato Kaine: “Two ruthless corporations with disreputable histories, and the Alliance is now collaborating with both. This a deeply regrettable chapter in our history.”

President Zachary Hudson: “I have every confidence in the Federal Navy to protect Salvation while the Proteus Wave is prepared. This is a long-overdue reprisal against an intractable and relentless enemy.”

Shadow President Felicia Winters: “Azimuth’s superweapon is effective, I’ll admit. But I’m unhappy with relying on this clandestine organisation, rather than an accountable anti-xeno agency.”

CEO Li Yong-Rui: “Sirius Corporation is observing activities in HIP 22460 with great interest. I am keen to explore cooperation with Azimuth Biotech on developing new products using Proteus Wave technology.”

Simguru Pranav Antal: “The advanced electromagnetic sciences developed by the Guardians over a million years ago remain poorly understood, even to Utopia’s keenest minds. The safety and effectiveness of Salvation’s device cannot be guaranteed.”
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