Watch Now And You Will Learn What Mystery Babylon Is. The Book Of Daniel Explains It. Revelation 17.

2 years ago

Babylon is a big issue here in Revelation 17 and 18. You and I know that Babylon goes way back, to just after the great flood - back to Nimrod, who was the first Anti-Christ type, who was the first ruler of Babylon.

Genesis 10:9
Now Cush fathered Nimrod; he became a mighty one on the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the LORD; therefore it is said, “Like Nimrod a mighty hunter before the LORD.” And the beginning of his kingdom was [fn]Babel [Babylon].

The book of Daniel also explains through the image of the different empires until the arrival of the Kingdom Of God. The image had a head of gold, which is Babylon, followed by the Medo-Persian (Two arms), Grecian, Roman (Two Iron legs - eastern and western Roman Empire) and the last, Iron mixed with clay (Roman mixed with another) which is the last world empire. The whole image moves forward in time with the head of gold - Babylon. But in Daniel we see the "Rock" from heaven and it hits the feet and crumbles it and establishes God's Kingdom. That rock is Jesus.

You will see how Babylon is this corrupt world system that we live in - even today. Babylon is alive and in this world economic system, world culture, world religion and more.

God ends this world system and then true peace comes to this earth because the Prince of Peace and Lord of Lords arrives on the scene.

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