Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing (Wii) Gameplay Sample

2 years ago

OK, so I have yet to figure out the timing for the starting line boost, but outside of playing through the first cup when I picked this game up for $4 at a thrift store a few years back, this is the first time I have played decently far into this game, and it's a really fun Kart Racer. The boost system, while not as deep at Crast Team Racing's, is still deep enough to make powerslide-boosting an integral part of the gameplay. The controls are smoth with the Classic Controller Pro, and for Wii standards, this game has some good graphics, and smooth gameplay. If this was the "Mario Kart you had at home." you did well.

This game is extra fun if you are a longtime Sega fan, but it's not required. Sumo Digital did an awesome Job on this game, and it was also developed for the PS360 as well, with the 360 having Banjo Kazooie as a playable character.

#SonicSegaAllStarsRacing #WII Gameplay

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