Wolfenstein (2009) PS3 Gameplay Sample

2 years ago

I've had this and The New Order for a couple of years, and I started by playing The New Order first since I heard such good things about it, but, honestly, Playing 20-mins to a half hour of the New Order, I realized it had everything bland, and uninspiring that I have hated about modern FPS game for over a decade. When I turned The New order off, I remember saying, "I already hate this game." I'll give it a second chance eventually, however, I then put in Wolfenstein 2009, and I already am having a lot more fun with it than the New Order. This is why I only care to selectively partake in newer gaming.

I haven't gotten too far into this game, but it already feel better than it's sequel. It seems they threw a little Deus EX into Wolfenstein which is cool. The gunplay feels pretty good, and the upgrade system is also pretty cool. As you can see, the PS3 version doesn't run great. A lot of stuttering, and a glitchy feel, but so far, the game is solid overall. That can change one way of the other as I play more.

This is another game that got very mixed reviews by reviewers and gamers of it's day, but if it looks decent enough, and you find it for cheap, look into this game on the PS3, 360, and PC.

#Wolfenstein #PS3 #Gameplay

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