We Love Katamari (PS2) Gameplay Sample

2 years ago

I just got this game in the mail today. After playing through Katamari Damacy REROLL on my computer, I've decided to go back and pick up both PS2 games to play and enjoy.

If you're not familiar with the Katamari games, they are breath-of-fresh-air kinds of games with a zany concept, and addictive gameplay that show what gaming can truly be with enough imagination. Even for their day, Katamari was a little too niche for the mainstream, yet they still became popular because they were super fun and addictive. These are the kinds of strange games that just come out of nowhere that I love to see, from an era where developers were still willing to take risks with game design. Even in the days of the PS2, Katamari was a risky game to make, as there were still plenty of mainstream popular trends in those days, as there have always been.

I'm glad to see Namco took a chance here, and if you want to try a Katamari game, but don't have a PS2, PS3, or Xbox 360, look into Katamari Damacy REROLL on all current-gen consoles. The game is short, but it's impossible not to be happy when playing Katamari. Definitely worth the purchase.

#WeLoveKatamari #Gameplay #Katamari

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