Riddick: Dark Athena Came With an Upgraded Copy of Butcher Bay on the Disk

2 years ago

#ChroniclesofRiddick #ButcherBay #DarkAthena

A lot of people either forgot, or never even knew that The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena came with Butcher Bay pack onto the same disk. I have yet to play all the way through Dark Athena as of yet, but I heard one of the biggest complaints come from the later levels trying too hard to be a straightforward FPS game in a game who's mechanics don't work well in that scenario. Butcher Bay, however, was one of my favorite Original Xbox games with it's unique combination of Deus EX, and Thief/Splinter Cell design. It was also, possibly the best looking game on the Xbox, and it's uniquely engrossing gameplay and design still shine through to this day. Pick up Dark Athena on the PS360 and the PC to play this upgraded version.

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