The Mindful Doer | Sermon 03/20/2022

2 years ago

James 1:22-25

Now that the Word has given these scattered Christians rebirth and been implanted in them, James exhorts that it affects not only the internal but the external self as well. A true Christian will not merely hear the Word but do what has been commanded in it by God. The one who hears and does nothing deceives themselves.

The mere hearer man is like one who looks swiftly at himself in the mirror but forgets who he is. When it comes to the Word of God, he hears it proclaimed but fails to respond to it with necessary action.

But the doer looks not to himself but stoops down low with intent to observe the Word of God, which is the Christ-completed law of liberty. He hears and reads, remembering who he is and perseveres in the Scripture’s commands. The mere hearer is deceived while the godly doer is blessed in this life and the one to come.

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