Common Cause is a Soros Funded organization determined to destroy the USA

1 year ago

In mid-April, on Good Friday, the George Soros funded left-wing policy group Common Cause declared war on COS, announcing the formation of the largest radical left alliance in US history.

Almost every Radical, Liberal, Progressive and Marxist group in America signed onto a coalition to oppose the use of Article V and the Convention of States as provided in our Constitution. In doing so, they accomplished something that even Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders couldn’t: they unified the radical left with one voice.

What you see below is taken directly from the press release Issued on Good Friday, April 14, 2017 by Common Cause:

“The undersigned organizations strongly urge state legislatures to oppose efforts to pass a resolution to call for a constitutional convention. We also strongly urge state legislatures to rescind any application for an Article V constitutional convention in order to protect all Americans’ constitutional rights and privileges from being put at risk and up for grabs.” ~ Common Cause

We must fight this Marxist push to turn the USA into Europe

Government officials at all levels have spent the last two years demonizing their opponents and using whatever means possible to censor or threaten those who disagree with them, so the idea that we should now trust those same people to not abuse a law that could infringe on basic constitutional rights is laughable. More and more Americans are coming to the conclusion that the government abuses any power it’s given, and they are responding accordingly.

Help us spread the message that our Founding Fathers provided us with the perfect tool to rectify a runaway federal government. In Article V of the Constitution, the power to call a Convention of States.

An Article V Convention of States is called and controlled by the states and has the power to propose constitutional amendments.

These amendments can do three things:

1. Limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government (including the president)
2. Limit the terms of office for federal officials
3. Limit the ability of Congress and the president to spend and waste our hard-earned money

What can you do?

Sign the petition:

Let your legislators know you want them to take action!

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