Judgment on the Wicked Rich | Sermon 07/03/2022

1 year ago

James 5:1-6

James begins his indictment on the wicked rich who oppress Christian laborers like an Old Testament prophet calling for them to howl for their miseries. He previously told these early Jewish Christians to mourn and weep in genuine repentance but howling is an expectation of the wrath to come. All that the rich have put their faith in: riches, clothing, gold, and silver are in a state of decay. These treasures will never be able to buy them access to the greatest treasure: heaven with our Savior. They have a future of fire that will eat their flesh the same way the rust eats at metals.

James accuses these wealthy landowners of withholding pay from Christian day laborers. The wages they’ve withheld stand as a witness against them and they cry out to the Lord of Sabaoth like Abel’s blood. The Lord delivers those whose cries rise up to heaven on His throne from which He directs His armies. How will they escape? The stolen money fuels their lavish lifestyles of excess, drunkenness, gluttony, carousing, orgies, and parties. But the more they feed themselves with excess the more they are like a fattened steer ready for slaughter. Judgment is nigh.

And finally, their greed has led them to false accusations and death sentences of the brethren. Just like the Lord Jesus Christ, these saints did not resist but a day has been appointed for such as these wicked rich and God will have the vengeance. May we, as Christians, seek to live lives with biblical stewardship and without greed.

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