The Mysterious Attempts To Turn Brittney Griner Into A Martyr.

2 years ago

This isn’t about #Race, gender, or LGBWGCI+-~
yet that’s how they’re framing it.

Why do they keep acting as if the #Charges #BrittenyGriner is facing are unfair?

Why do they keep comparing her to famous men who didn’t break any laws? (Lebron & Tom Brady)

LiAngelo Ball was brought back by president Trump after 29 days from communist #China when he face 3-10 years for shoplifting. Now the same #Media that didn’t want to give #Trump credit, now praise #Biden for calling Griner’s wife and she’s been in #Russia since February…

Instagram, Twitter, YouTube & Rumble: @OtitamSpeaks

Clip sources:
ESPN First Take-Angela Rye Coverage
CBS - CBS Evening-Griner Coverage/WH Press Conference/FTN
CNN Vanessa Nygaard Interview
BNC DC today-Del Walters Segment
MSNBC Morning Joe Coverage
ABC Good Morning America- All Star Coverage

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