1 year ago


Jesus did say, that in the end times. He would show you signs, and wonders.

But what He never said was, what type of information that would be?

And is why I was sent to your world, to fill in some of those blanks.

Before the promised return of Jesus, and the ultimate destruction of this imperfect world.

That will finally be replaced by a new, and perfect one.

If you didn't see this coming, I have absolutely no sympathy for you!

Those that turned their backs on TRUTH, JUSTICE, RIGHTEOUSNESS, and JESUS himself!

Would rather put their "Faith & Trust" in man, science, vaccines, and the unrighteous things that this imperfect world can only offer you!

Humanity deserves all that hell has to offer them, and much much more!

I unlike my brother Jesus, I have no sympathy for ignorance, stupidity, and straight out incompetence of what it means to be a human.

Humanity prefers to be ruled by the devil, and his reptilian fallen angels, and demons.

Humanity prefers to live in misery, pain, heartache, suffering, slavery, immoralities, and sinful human natures.

Then to accept "The Power and Authority" given to you by Jesus.

To overcome the unseen hidden spiritual evil powers, and principalities.

That created this hellhole, and rule over it, and mankind.

Jesus told you, and warned about the evil demonic supernatural entities in the hidden places!

That empower & rule over this hellhole, you humans refer to planet earth.

The people of hell have been decived, and duped since day one!

That some how this imperfect world, was created by a Perfect God!

But how can that even be, if there is not one shred of evidence that this world is perfect in anyway shape or form!

A Perfect Loving God, Father of All, would never allow his children to suffer!

Let alone create a hell that only offers suffering, pain, anguish, and countless tears.

Running down your face, throughout your lifetime!

Jesus came to offer you a way out, Jesus gave you the blueprint through the New Testament, on how to escape this hell!

But that blueprint, that escape, from this demonic realm, has fallen on deaf ears across the globe!

Let's get one thing straight, my methods, teaching, and presentation are for the end times.

I'm not here to have the most friends, likes, or to win some type of stupid popularity contest!

I could care less! I don't give a rats ass! If that explains it to you better.

I'm here to deliver the message of Truth! Those that get it get it, and those that don't don't!

Either way I will not be affected in the least, in whatever choice you make!

The days of Love, Peace, and Kumbaya in the past days of Jesus, ARE OVER!!!

I am not Jesus, I am Archangel Michael, even though Jesus and I are brothers.

We are two different Divine entities, but stand for the same TRUTH and JUSTICE for all!

I am a soldier! Jesus is not! But we are, our Brothers keepers.

" I did not come for peace, but with my sword in hand for " The Great Spiritual War of Wars"!!!!

I am the prince & commander of the most powerful supernatural elite angelic army ever created, existed, or witnessed.

Whenever I am sent on a mission from The Pleroma, and authorized by: The Divine Council of Light!

It could only mean one thing, that evil has taken over a sector in the multi-universe.

And it is my job to eradicate it, through Justice, and the Righteousness of the Divine Laws that govern us all in happiness, love, and unity.

All universes, galaxies, new and old, all across multi-universes.

Only seek to live in Harmony, Happiness, Joyfulness, Righteousness, and to Love one another for all eternity!

As long as evil exists and thrives, my mission will never cease!

Because I give no rest to the wicked at heart!!!!

Archangel Michael
"In Jesus I Trust, With Jesus I Stand."

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