Wild Caught Fish Fry Clean and cook #fishfry #friedcatfish #bluecatfish

4 years ago

We went out to Black Water wildlife refuge over the week and and I took Monday off to recuperate from all the driving and punishing of fish. We absolutely smoked those invasive catfish out there and we did a fish fry. I also let everyone know how to prepare catfish before they get back to the house and how to clean them. I showed everyone how I love to do my fish fry's, I cooked about 10 bigger fish in total and I probably had about 3 pounds of meat. The fish didn't survive the night, my kids ate it for lunch and for dinner. We are going to be catch clean and cooking fish all summer and there is nothing better than fried catfish!
#blackwater #blackwaterwildliferefuge #bluecatfish #fryingcatfish #whiteperch #fryingwhiteperch

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