15jul2022 RT Channel in English uncensored || RESISTANCE ...-

2 years ago

15jul2022 RT Channel in English uncensored · Resistance

Real news, uncensored · Real news, uncensored

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(PLEASE comment if it is blocked, in July 2022 the RT channel in Odysee was blocked)

- A divided people is a lost people -

· ENG · https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=LVM5ND6S4X996
PAYPAL DONATIONS to continue compiling and disseminating interesting information for you to develop YOUR TRUTH, and not "the truth" imposed by dictatorships.

· ESP · https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=LVM5ND6S4X996
DONATIVOS PAYPAL para continuar recopilando y difundiendo información interesante para que elabores TU VERDAD, y no "la verdad" impuesta por las dictaduras.

· FRA · https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=LVM5ND6S4X996
DONS PAYPAL pour continuer à compiler et diffuser des informations intéressantes pour vous permettre de développer VOTRE VÉRITÉ, et non "la vérité" imposée par les dictatures.

· DEU · https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=LVM5ND6S4X996
PAYPAL-SPENDEN, um weiterhin interessante Informationen für Sie zusammenzustellen und zu verbreiten, um IHRE WAHRHEIT zu entwickeln, und nicht "die Wahrheit", die von Diktaturen auferlegt wird.

· ITA · https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=LVM5ND6S4X996
DONAZIONI PAYPAL per continuare a raccogliere e diffondere informazioni interessanti per sviluppare la TUA VERITÀ, e non "la verità" imposta dalle dittature.

· POR · https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=LVM5ND6S4X996
DOAÇÕES PAYPAL para continuar compilando e divulgando informações interessantes para você desenvolver a SUA VERDADE, e não "a verdade" imposta pelas ditaduras.

· CHN · https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=LVM5ND6S4X996
PAYPAL 捐款繼續為您編譯和傳播有趣的信息,以發展您的真相,而不是獨裁政權強加的“真相”。

· RUS · https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=LVM5ND6S4X996
ПЕЙПАЛ ПОЖЕРТВОВАНИЯ продолжать собирать и распространять интересную информацию для вас, чтобы развивать ВАШУ ПРАВДУ, а не «правду», навязанную диктатурой.

· ARB · https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=LVM5ND6S4X996
تبرعات PayPal لمواصلة تجميع ونشر المعلومات الشيقة لتنمية حقيقتك ، وليس "الحقيقة" التي تفرضها الديكتاتوريات.

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