#Cuba 🇨🇺 #FreeAllPoliticalPrisoners

4 years ago

#Cuba 🇨🇺🛑 | This video is a tribute to all the #PoliticalPrisoners all those Cubans who have stood up for their rights and to see a free nation. Besides being subject to beatings, torture, & harsh conditions inside the dictatorship’s prisons, these people are vulnerable to Covid19. According to #CubanPrisonersDefenders there are over 130 political prisoners in Cuba as well as 8 thousand civilians charged with being a “predictive danger to society.”
Let’s stand up for them!
➡️ www.cubaencrisis.org
#Cuba #Freedom4Cuba #CriminalizeCommunism #CubaDecide #UNPACU #Libertad #prisonersofconscience #covid19 #CambioDeSistema #FreeAymara #FreeMartha #FreeRoberto #FreeMaykel #FreeIsain #FreeYasser #FreeSilverio #FreeIvanAmaro #ElCambioEsYa #CubaPoliceAbuse #NoAl370

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